Friday, January 31, 2020

Role of the Media in American Politics Essay Example for Free

Role of the Media in American Politics Essay A free and open media is essential to a functioning democracy. Its role in politics is to â€Å"encourage democratization, strengthen the rule of law and promote institution building† (UN News Center). In order for a democracy to work properly, citizens need to be informed on the issues at hand, in a fair and unbiased manner, so they can make sound decisions as to which candidates to vote for. The role of the media in democracy has been realized since the institute’s earliest inception. In 1791 the 1st Amendment was made to the Bill of Rights, and it stated that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances† (PBS). If free press becomes compromised, such as being taken over and run by biased private corporations, then a country’s democracy is at risk, and it can lead to the country becoming a fascist state. In America, the media plays a decisive role in politics and in determining which agendas are successful and which are not and whether or not it has been compromised by private interest continues to be debated. Bias in the Media Whether or not any press can be truly free remains a subject of much debate. Media outlets, just like any other enterprise, rely on a steady flow of funds in order to operate. Thus, they rely on sponsors either through the sales of advertisements or through government funding. Media outlets also much appeal to the demands and tastes of the audience. Various media outlets must compete amongst each other for viewers, so catering to the tastes of that audience becomes a science. â€Å"Restricted by the limited tastes of the audience and reliant upon political elites for most information, journalists participate in an interdependent news system, not a free market of ideas† (Entman 3). Since the media depends on private funds and large numbers of viewers, it is possible that its agenda becomes compromised, from giving a fair and unbiased news report to one that caters towards the tastes of viewers and investors. While media outlets do have the opportunity to be biased, depending on their audience and funding, there are still a wide range of mass media outlets for viewers to choose from. Viewers have a choice as to where to get their news from. If one station seems biased towards one viewpoint, the channel can quickly be changed. Over the decades, technology has increased the ways in which a viewer can get their news. In the 1970’s, television was the main outlet for mass media. There were just seven channels available to the average household, and these captured 80% of all viewing. However, technology has changed this dramatically. In 2005, 85% of households had access to satellite or cable TV and had on average a hundred channels to choose from. Today, viewers can also choose to get their news not just from TV but also from the Internet and smart phones (Muntz 224). With the wide range of choices as to where to get the news, it would not be presumptuous to expect a wider range of political viewpoints to be expressed from various media outlets. However, this does not appear to be the case. Journalists themselves are also inherently biased. While the goal of journalism is to give a fair and unbiased representation of the story being covered, a reporter’s personal views, preferences, and identifications with an issue or politician will undoubtedly come into play. As well, journalists themselves are seeking a successful career in media. In order to be successful, and stand out, they must cover stories that â€Å"make it onto the front page or get lots of airtime on the evening news† (Zaller 21-22). Those stories that get on the front page are those that appeal to the public. Thus, those journalists are mare most adept at appealing to the interests of the public are those that are the most successful (Zaller 22). Thus, the audience may often times end up receiving information that is more sensational than it is unbiased and informational. Despite the wide range of choices as to where to get their news, it has been observed that the public’s viewpoints, as well as those of media outlets, have become increasingly polarized over the years (Muntz 224). It has been proposed selectivity is to blame, that is, peoples inherent nature to select those outlets which best represent their own ideals. â€Å"Selectivity can take place at several junctures with respect to mass media, including exposure to a particular source of political news, attention to what the source says, and biased interpretation when processing the content of political news† (Muntz 225). It is human nature to want to avoid that information which conflicts with their preexisting ideas and beliefs. Thus, while media outlets may offer viewers information, the audience is not necessarily going to listen to the information in a fair and unbiased manner. Thus, bias in the media is a two-way street between media outlets and the viewer’s themselv es. The Media and Political Campaign Coverage The media and politics come most closely into play during presidential elections. Every four years, politicians battle it out to see who will win the most favor from the American people to become the next president. It is the job of the media outlets to inform the public about the various political candidates. During elections, the candidates can get quite negative on each other. The media, as it should, covers the stories behind negative campaign advertisements, political speeches and debates. Politicians who run the most negative campaigns, thus, can end up getting the most media coverage. This can lead towards voter bias on both sides. For example, during the 2012 campaign, the republican candidates received a great deal of media coverage. The candidates – Mitt Romney, Newt Gringrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum – were competing for republican nomination. The democratic nominate was assured, as it was the incumbent Barack Obama. So, there was far less media scrutiny on Barack Obama and his issues, such as the success of his healthcare act or his wishy-washy stance on Super PAC’s (Mark). Voters were more informed on the issues, and negative campaigning, of the republican candidates. Politicians rely on media politics to both win elections and to mobilize public support for causes and the implementation of projects while they are in office (Zaller 1-2). Thus, they rely on journalists and reporters to get their story out to audiences. However, the story that journalists choose to get out may not be the one the candidate wishes. This happens when the press uncovers a skeleton in the closet of a politician, or when a candidate suddenly changes their position on an issue and the media exposes them as wishy-washy (Zaller 13). Depending on the candidate, the media can be either a boon or a bust to their political career. Citizens also rely on media coverage in order to know who to vote for. The public wants to know what kind of morals and ethics a politician has and what their stance is on issues that are important to them. Individuals all have different issues they want to see addressed during a presidential campaign, ranging from taxes to abortion. Mass media outlets will poll their audiences, and study their demographics, in order to know which types of stories their audience will be most likely to identify with and those are the stories that will be covered in the news. Media and Government Exposure The media also plays a strong role in keeping the government honest by exposing scandal and controversy. In the early 1900’s, during what is known as the Progressive Era, a new style of investigative journalism was born. Dubbed by Theodore Roosevelt as â€Å"muckrakers†, these journalists â€Å"revealed illegal and unsavory practices of capital, labor, and state and local government† (PBS). Fast forward to the 1970’s, and it was the same type of muckrakers who exposed the Watergate scandal. However, while democracy relies on the ability of investigative journalism to expose scandals, this type of investigative reporting can also lead to sensationalism and stories that are overly sordid. While the media can over sensationalize certain stories, it can also under expose them as well. An example would be the Iran-contra scandal. Before its exposure in late 1986, the Reagan administration has denied that Oliver North had supported the Nicaraguan contra rebels during the congressional ban on its aid. Most members of the media, as well members of congress, simply accepted the denials and failed to investigate the story (Entman 6). Another example is the way in which the media exposed the Watergate scandal. When the crimes actually occurred, in 1972, Nixon was running for re-election. During this time, the media only presented sporadic reports to the public, leaving them ill-informed about the issue. Had the public been more aware of the scandal and its implications, they may have decided not to re-elect Mr. Nixon. Instead, he was re-elected and later impeached, which was an embarrassing scandal for America. Public Misinformation and Media Responsibility The public accepts for fact that what they are told by the media. They trust the media to give them the whole story and for that story to be truthful, correct and unbiased. However, despite this, viewers of mass media have been found to still be poorly informed. For example: â€Å"Six months into the Iraq war, a study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that FOX News viewers were more likely than consumers of any other major media outlet source to have mistaken beliefs about Iraq. Including the belief that U.S. led forces had already found weapons of mass destruction there. This belief was held by one out of every three FOX viewers at the time, compared to only one out of ten respondents who cited PBS or NPR as their main source of news (Boehlert et al).† Media Matters, an online news source, has exposed media sources, like FOX, That systematically misinform the public (Boehlert et al). Individuals who are loyal to a specific media outlet trust them to give them the true facts, however, this trust may not be warranted. Viewers must also be held responsible for doing their own research in order to fully understand an issue. Citizens depend on media to be the watchdogs of government, but who then is watching the media? Organizations like Media Matters seek to expose bias in media. Getting this message out to the public has become easier with advances in technology and the emergence of social media. New Media A new type of media has begun to emerge as a result of the rise of social media and the Internet. Many people get their news today not from a TV or print newspaper but from internet sites, blogs, and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. â€Å"The World Wide Web and the accompanying explosion in â€Å"new media† have forced an upheaval in U.S. politics in at least four areas, creating 1) innovative ways to reach voters; 2) a radically changed news system; 3) an unprecedented flood of small donors; and 4) newly empowered interest groups on the left and right† (Edsall). The internet is an inexpensive way for politicians to gain maximum exposure. Even candidates with smaller campaign funds can reach a large audience if they are savvy to the ways of social media and blogging. Since their overhead is lower, small internet based media outlets do not have to rely on advertisers to keep their ventures afloat. Thus, their coverage does not need to bend to the whim of corporate sponsors. In turn, the Internet also allows for constituents to feel more connected to politicians. They can follow their personal Twitter and Facebook pages, which may or, more likely, may not be updated by the actual politician themselves, but more likely a paid staff member. However, the level of intimacy between the candidate and the public is heightened, and this may gain them more favor and, in the end, more votes. The internet has given a voice and the power to change to even the most marginal players. For example, during the 2008 presidential election, an aide to Senator Barack Obama made a pseudo campaign ad depicting Hilary Clinton as an all-powerful dictator. The ad was played on YouTube and received over 1 million hits. While the ad itself may not have changed the course of the election, it did show just how powerful the Internet can be in coloring public opinion (Edsall). Conclusion If it is true that democracy depends on the existence of a free and unbiased media, then it may be argued that the United States if far from a true democracy. Bias is inherent in media: in the media outlets themselves, in the various members of government and politics, in the journalists who report the news and in the way in which viewers and audiences interact with media. However, the ideal that democracy depends on a truly free and unbiased media may be an unrealistic expectation because, in fact, the media will always be biased because that is just part of its nature. We do not live in an ideal world, and ideals quickly fade in the face of everyday reality. Media must change along with its changing society and political environment. In this way, it does represent the ideals and values of the day. Today, we are witness to a time of great change in terms of technology and the way in which information is disseminated. Just as quickly as the political environment is changing so is the media that covers it. New technology is giving rise to the exposure of political corruption and government incompetence. It is giving a voice to the under paid and underrepresented voices of the public. So in fact, it appears that the media is still doing its job. However, it is still up to the individual to remain informed on the issues at hand and to remain a loyal and informed citizen by scrutinizing the media just as they scrutinize the government.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Constitutional and administrative laws

Constitutional and administrative laws Constitutional and administrative laws are collectively termed as public law. Public law has a direct impact on each individuals. For example during the passage of a new legislation piece or when an individuals civil rights are abused, the public law gives the legal structure within which the administration functions and the government operates. The laws play a very vital role in regulating the governments structure and its administration in reference to its nationals. It also defines the responsibilities of government workers and the intergovernmental relations. This presents it as a very vital component in the day to day running of the government. Constitutional law entails the study, interpretation, practice and administration of laws which are set by the constitution of a country. The sections contained in constitutional law sets out specific provisions which provides for civil and human rights as well as government entities. It is part of the consumer law which deals with issues relating to producers and consumers in the business world. Issues relating to discrimination and diversity are also underpinned in these laws. In the United States, the constitution acts as the foundation of all constitutional laws. Basically, constitutional laws deal with any legal issue revolving around constitutional rights or their violation. All cases involving constitutional law are dealt with by the Supreme Court of the United States. These cases may involve violation of the constitution or the need to amend or change the existing constitutional law in cases where they seem to conflict with the view of the nation. Judicial review is also a ve ry important subject in constitutional law where the state has to continually review the action of the legislative and executive branches. Administrative law on the other hand incorporates numerous areas of law. These include government agencies regulations and procedures, administrative rules, agency authoritys scope, agencies enforcement power and individual privacy. Basically, administrative law covers laws and legal doctrines which govern the regulation and administration of government bodies and agencies. These may include both state and federal. The Congress delegates power to these agencies prompting them to act as agents. These agencies are formed to protect the interests of the public rather than to protect private rights. The actions of a government agency ma include adjudication, rule making or implementing a particular regulatory agenda. One of the purposes of constitutional law is to ensure that each and every individual living within the borders of the country is protected. This is ensured by the section of the laws which uphold individuals civil rights. These rights are found in definite provisions in the constitution on which the constitutional law is founded. The provisions protect an individuals right from being interfered with by the state and the federal governments. In the constitution the first 8 amendments basically protects the basic civil rights of an individual. A good example is the 1st amendment which protects free speech, assembly and press fundamental rights. Other amendments just add to the scope of protection granted to an individual in regards to his basic rights. Another good example is 14th Amendment which bars a state from violating the immunities and rights of an individual without due process of law. The fair criminal justice system is also advocated for in the Fifth Amendment where it guara ntees a grand jury. The other purpose of constitutional law is protection of individuals property. Constitutional laws also very vital I ensuring that power is not concentrated I one arm. This is ensured through the doctrine of separation of powers which is part of the constitutional laws. According to this doctrine, power is divided among three arms; these are executive, legislature and judicial. The executive is responsible for implementing laws which are made by the legislature. The judiciary plays the all important role of interpreting the law. In this line of thinking, constitutional laws plays a vital role in preventing absolutism which characterizes dictatorship and monarchies. The laws are also very important in ensuring that the individuals rights are protected and checking the use of power. They also ensure that the rule of law prevails in the country by ensuring that individuals live without fear of losing their life arbitrarily or even losing their property. The constitutional laws are very significant because they instill confidence among the people in believing that their representatives will not abuse power. Most importantly, constitutional laws are a major check to laws which officials elected can impose. Administrative law on the other hand has a different approach compared to constitutional law. This is because they do not often relate to everyday life. Administrative law is mainly concerned with ensuring that there is fairness in the public decision making. The decisions must be guided by administrative discretion. This emerges as an advantage to both the government and its citizens. To the government, its status quo will be raised and it will also be able to perpetuate itself. Besides regulating relationship between the state and the citizen, administrative law also enables one of the governments arms to challenge another on the issues of legality of its actions (Stott). The law acts as a weapon used by power holders to ensure that every center of power does not exceed the legal limits of the warranted authority. By virtue of dealing with agencies, the laws made are diverse and dealing with equally diverse issues like workplace safety, environmental protection and environmental protection. Regulatory perspectives also fall in this docket of the law. The administrative laws also make decisions which affect vital aspects of an individuals life like deportation and decisions on healthcare coverage. These decisions are made by federal agencies. Fundamentally, administrative law affects an individual in real life. Its the law which determines how a government functions (good administration). The functioning of the government in this case may involve provision of certain public goods or services. The law plays a very vital role in controlling public utilities, banking, insurance, industry, finance, health and morals, finance, the professions and the response of the government to the whims of the modern society. This has addressed issues like service delivery, the role of technology, research, and economic, social economic and administrative factors. This may require the government to create an agency as stipulated by administrative law. However, it may opt to charter a non profit organization to provide such goods or services instead of creating an agency. This is considering the fact that government institutions cant be considered as government agencies. An administrative action may also be taken through a judicial review to ensure that public decision makers act within the jurisdiction of the law. Administrative law is very significant in addressing legal disputes especially those considered minor by the Supreme Court. Typical disputes involving issues like environmental protection, day to day business operations, administrative and corporate social responsibility, and policy rule and regulation are dealt with at the agency level. This is because they are equipped to deal with every day details of governing. A good example is an issue on environmental protection where a court may lack the needed expertise to decide the exact equipment needed in coal plants to avoid air pollution. However, administrative agencies are better suited to address such an issue amicably. This is because the agencies created via administrative law are able to obtain sufficient details of regulation and they also have the ability to develop expertise in a particular section requiring regulation. This also creates time for the higher courts to deal with other matters prompting attention at that level. One of the limitations of constitutional and administrative laws is their pluralistic conception. This has always put them under heavy criticism from varying directions. Consequently, there is a need for non-delegation doctrine revival to ensure great specifity in articulation the congressional standards. Administrative law is also limited I terms of scope especially because the administrative authorities are inferior to the bodies given the mandate to interpret and execute such laws. This means that administrative law has constitutional limitation.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Abortion - Bible is Pro-Choice :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Bible is Pro-Choice Without any question, the Bible is overwhelminly pro-choice. Although the Hebrews were influenced by many of the laws of their Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian neighbors, all of which forbade abortion, the Hebrew scriptures had no laws forbidding abortion, not a single one. This was chiefly because the Hebrews placed a higher value on women than did their neighbors. There are, however, some references to the termination of pregnancy. Exod. 21:22-25 says that if a pregnant woman has a miscarriage as a result of injuries she receives during a fight between two men, the penalty for the loss of the fetus is a fine; if the woman is killed, the penalty is "life for life." It is obvious from this passage that men whose fighting had caused a woman to miscarry were not regarded as murderers because they had not killed the woman. The woman, undeniably, had greater moral and religious worth than did the fetus, which was nothing more than a worthless glob of tissue, a meaningless, lifeless conglomeration of cells - contrary to antichoice people who cons ider it "human life." There is also reference in the Mosaic law to what is now called "abortion on request" Num. 5:11-31 indicates that if a husband suspects his wife is pregnant by another man, the "husband shall bring his wife to the priest," who shall mix a drink intended to make her confess or be threatened with termination of her pregnancy if she has been unfaithful to her husband. In other words, the Jewish Church was directly involved in bringing about abortions for those countless Hebrew women who fell into this category referred to above. Yes, the Jewish priests actually performed the abortion on the women. The Bible is undeniably specific on this point. Of course, there are less intelligent biblical exegetes who interpret this in various other obviously erroneous ways. It is best not to consider their ignorant opinions in this matter.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Earthquakes: Application of Mathematics Essay example -- Geology

Earthquakes: An Application of Mathematics The October 13, 2010 earthquake triggered a large buzz across Oklahoma University’s Norman campus, startling students walking to class or sitting in the middle of calculus. This magnitude 4.3 earthquake was 10 miles southeast of Norman and was felt as far north as Stillwater. To many students, the few seconds of shaking was unrecognizable as an earthquake because Oklahoma’s seismicity is not well known. In reality, Oklahoma experiences multiple earthquakes, almost daily; they are usually just not strong enough to be felt. While understanding how and why earthquakes occur in Oklahoma involves knowledge of faults and rock types, the methods involved in locating the epicenter of an earthquake and determining its magnitude require an awareness of the mathematical principles involved The focus of an earthquake is the spot within the earth where the earthquake originates, where the fault is first ruptured. The epicenter of an earthquake is the location on the earth’s surface directly above the focus. When attempting to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, an understanding of seismic waves is crucial. There are two types of seismic waves, body waves and surface waves. Love and Raleigh waves are surface waves that travel across the earth’s surface and are responsible for a majority of the shaking felt during an earthquake. The two types of body waves, p and s-waves are more useful in determining information about earthquakes. Body waves travel throughout the interior of the earth, propagating from the focus of the earthquake eventually reaching seismograph stations. The arrival times of p and s-waves are used to locate the epicenter of the earthquake as the waves are recorded onto ... are debates about which scale is the most precise, although most seismologists claim the moment magnitude scale to be the most consistently accurate. Works Cited

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Geely Auto Financial Report Analysis

Geely Auto Financial Report Analysis 1. 0 Executive Summary This report discusses the details of the Geely Automobile Company and an analysis of its financial statements in the past 5 years. The purpose of the report is an application of the knowledge learnt from the Financial Statement Analysis course, and tries to give recommendations. Rather than giving simple suggestions like buy, sell or hold the stocks, it is hoped that by analyzing the financial statements, the data can provide support for the recommendations such as the future profit and loss of Geely.As one of the four largest independent private automobile manufacturers in China, Geely Auto has been expanding rapidly. The sale of Geely has increased from 200 units in 1998 to 329. 100 units in 2009. In addition, in 2010, the purchase of Volvo greatly increases the reputation of Geely. Although the acquisition just happened few months ago, it is believed that it will beneficial to increase the market share. Further SWOT analy sis shows that, the well-established sales network and the emphasis on R&D capabilities will have a positive effect on the future growth of Geely.Moreover, the external environment such as the continuous growth in Chinese market and government policy support shows a promising future for Geely. However, there are also threats exist outside the market and weaknesses inside Geely. It is really hard to give any suggestions by simply analyzing the industry and outside environment. Therefore, the report mainly focuses on the analysis of the financial statements. Analysis includes the capital structure and solvency, liquidity, operating performance and profitability, and cash flow statements.By using common-size analysis, ratio analysis and trend analysis, taking the rapid expansion in recent 5 years into consideration. Though some results turn out to be either not satisfactory or below industry average, the overall performance of Geely is quite good. Geely was using its money effectively and investing the money in the right place in the past 5 years. It is recommended to buy Geely Stocks, with the potential growth in their production and profitability. It is quite pessimistic that the earnings of Geely is going to increase and therefore the stock price in future. . 0 Introduction Geely Automobile Holdings is a Chinese automaker and is with BYD, Chery, and Great Wall, one of the four largest independent private automobile manufacturers in China. Geely is now headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and operates six car assembly and power-train manufacturing plants in China that are located in Lanzhou (Gansu province), Linhai (Zhejiang province), Luqiao (Zhejiang province), Ningbo (Zhejiang province), Shanghai and Xiangtan (Hunan province). These facilities enable a production capacity of approximately 300,000 cars per year. 2. Brief History Geely (Jili, meaning â€Å"auspicious, lucky†) was founded in 1986 as a manufacturer of refrigerators, and then moved to manu facturing decoration materials in 1989, and by 1992, motorcycle parts. In 1994, Geely began manufacturing motorcycles. By 1996, Geely had produced over 200,000 motorcycles and scooters. Automobile production started in 1998. Geely began exporting its first cars in 2003. Geely had its IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. Purchase of Volvo Geely was reported to have approached Ford in mid-2008 about a possible takeover of Volvo Cars.On October 28, 2009, Geely was named as the preferred buyer of Volvo Cars by Ford. On December 23, 2009, Ford confirmed that all substantive commercial terms for the sale to Geely had been settled. A definitive agreement was signed on March 28, 2010 worth $1. 8 billion, and the deal was completed on August 2, 2010. Management * Executive directors: Mr. Li Shu Fu, Mr. Gui Sheng Yue, Mr. Yang Jian, Mr. Ang, Siu Lun, Mr. Yin Da Qing, Mr. Liu Jin Liang, Mr. Zhao Jie, Dr. Zhao Fuquan * Non-Executive Directors:Mr. Xu Gang * Independent Non-executive Dire ctors: Mr.Song Lin, Mr. Lee Cheuk Yin, Mr. Yeung Sau Hung * Senior Management: Mr. Zhang Peng, Mr. Cheung Chung Yan Products * Xiali TJ7300-based * 1998  Ã¢â‚¬â€ HQ/Haoqing/Haoqing SRV * 2000  Ã¢â‚¬â€ MR/Merrie * 2002  Ã¢â‚¬â€ MR/Uliou/MS * 2004  Ã¢â‚¬â€ PU/Rural Nanny/Urban Nanny * 2002  Ã¢â‚¬â€ BL/Beauty Leopard/BO * Daewoo-designed * 2005  Ã¢â‚¬â€ CK/Freedom Cruiser * 2006  Ã¢â‚¬â€ MK/LG/KingKong * 2006  Ã¢â‚¬â€ FC/Vision * 2008  Ã¢â‚¬â€ Geely China Dragon Major activities and achievements * Geely’s JI-6360 model was certified by the government making Geely the first private company qualified to be producing automobiles in China. First Chinese automaker present at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2005. * First Chinese car maker to display at the US Detroit auto show. Winning the Special Contribution Grand Prize for Invention and Creation for its Blow-out Monitoring and Brake System (â€Å"BMBS†), a unique safety system independently d eveloped by Geely. * In Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, Geely has already started to sell its products. Geely has also entered the Bangladeshi, Cuba, New Zealand, Pakistani, Romanian, Turkish and South African car markets. Figure 1; Development in sales, source: Geely annual report 1998-2009 3. Financial Analysis In the following sections Geely’s capital structure, solvency and liquidity, profitability and cash flow will be discussed. 3. 1 Analysis of Capital Structure Geely automobile Holdings Limited Analysis of Capital Structure| HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| L-Tdebt| –| –| –| 87000| 1318000| Deferred taxation| –| –| –| 8018| 37727| other L-T liabilities| –| 682838| 309274| 0| 1442153| Total L-T liabilities| –| 682838| 309274| 95018| 2797880| Current liabilities| 54548| 227198| 5273470| 76378| 8907789| Total liabilities| 54548| 910036| 5582744| 171396| 11705669| %| 6%| 46%| 68%| 3%| 62%| | | | | | common shareho lder's equity| 798080| 1030157| 2441440| 4197862| 6375613| minority interests| 9013| 19769| 211760| 584619| 720907| Total equity capital| 798080| 1049926| 2653200| 4782481| 7096520| %| 94%| 54%| 32%| 97%| 38%| | | | | | | Total liabilities and equity| 852628| 1959962| 8235944| 4953877| 18802189| | 100%| 100%| 100%| 100%| 100%| These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (â€Å"HKFRSs†) ————————————————-From common-size analysis, we know leverage rate of Geely is stable for year 2006 and 2007, declines sharply for year 2008, and then rebounds strongly to 62% in year 2009. Then look at the absolute value, it's not difficult to find out a great rise in both liability and equity capital. In 2009, the total liability is more than a trilion. Referring to its investment and operation in recent years, we think Geely is trading on the equity, which indicates it is using equity capital as a borrowing base in a desire to reap excess returns.This can be confirmed by its step-by-step acquisition of many assembly line and investment on new factories financed by bond and bank borrowing, which is conversely based on increasing equity (stock price stimulated by expansion). Those investments are revalued and taken into asset as a new backup. 3. 2 Solvency Analysis Geely Automobile Holdings Limited Solvency Ratios| HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| D/E ratio| 0. 07 | 0. 88 | 2. 29 | 0. 04 | 1. 84 | Interest coverage ratio| –| 7. 66 | 10. 11 | 16. 06 | 15. 46 | S-T D/E| –| 0. 22 | 2. 16 | 0. 02 | 1. 0 | | The computation for Year 2009 is shown here:| D/E ratio= Total liabilities / Shareholder's equity = 2,797,880 / 6,375,613| Interest coverage ratio= EBIT / Interest Expense = 1,657686 / 107,226| S-T D/E= Long-term liabilities / Shareholder's Equity = 8,907,789 / 6,375,613 | | The computation for EBIT is shown below:| HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| Net Profit| 115377| 214149| 318100| 866053| 1319028| Interest expense| –| 32390 | 35103 | 60952 | 107226 | Taxation| –| 1585 | 1673 | 51869 | 231432| EBIT| 115377| 248124| 354876| 978874| 1657686|Since the ratio of debt to equity capital is relatively high, we need to take a further look of its financial condition. Before assessing long-term solvency we want to be satisfied about the near-term fiancial survival of Geely. Unfortunately, Geely's short term debt to equity ratio is 1. 40, quite high in the most recent year. Although it can raise capital from HK listed market, equity is apparently not enough to make up its shortage of capital in short term. According to NOTE, Geely has discounted notes receivable to banks in exchange for cash with recourse in the ordinary course of business.Therefore, the risk resulting from its speeding expansion not only depends on its own performance, bu t its customers' financial distress. Interest coverage ratio is satisfactory, which means payment of the interest liability Geely has incurred on its long-term borrowing is in a less pressure. 3. 2 Analysis of Liquidity Geely Automobile Holdings Limited Analysis of Liquidity| | HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| Industry norm| Accounts Receivable Turnover| 1. 91 | 0. 95 | 1. 99 | 1. 51 | 2. 29 | 19. 47| Acid-test ratio| 1. 13 | 0. 68 | 10. 44 | 0. 71 | 1. 19 | | Inventory turnover| 15. 9 | 11. 10 | 8. 36 | 136. 70 | 393. 17 | 31. 79| | | | | | | | The computations are as follows:| | Accounts Receivable Turnover = Net sales / Average accounts receivable| | Acid-test ratio = Cash and equivalents + Marketable securities + Accounts receivable / Current liabilities| | Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold / Average Inventory| | The selected accouts used in computation are here:| | HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| | Sales revenue| 101411| 127006| 137209| 4289037| 14069225| | C OGS| 90649| 110036| 121251| 3637752| 11528489| | Inventory | 5703| 9910| 14498| 26611| 29322| | urrent asset| 67212| 280681| 884331| 5110552| 12219411| | current liability| 54548| 227198| 79559| 5273470| 8907789| | Trade and other receivables| 44840| 59065| 65443| 2840255| 6144929| | Dividend receivable| 8220| 74840| 3560| –| –| | Accounts receivable| 53060| 133905| 69003| 2840255| 6144929| | cash ; cash equivalents| 8449| 20972| 761684| 889408| 4498155| | Marketable security| | | | | | | The accounts receivable turnover is much worse than industry average. However, an increase of accounts receivable may due to rise in sales or difficulty in collecting quite timely.Referring to NOTE, we know that receivables are guaranteed by established banks in the PRC and have maturities of six months or less. So the likelihood of timely collection is in less question. The inventory turnover is exaggeratedly higher than industry level, especially after its installment of P-SCM suppl y chain management system, which integrates ordering, producing, selling, and distributing. So we can conclude that Geely is doing excellence in inventory management and is enjoying a growth in market demand of its products 3. Analysis of Operating Activities To be able to make a comprehensive analysis of Geely’s activities, both the income statement and the balance sheet have been restated in appendix A and B, such that it is possible to identify operating and non-operating income, assets and liabilities. Assumptions regarding classifications are also available in the appendixes. Figure 2: illustration of revenue and operating income, Source Geely annual report 2007 -2009 Figure 2 illustrates how dramatic the development in especially revenue has been the last three years.Net sales are up by almost 200 percent from 2008 to 2009, while only a 60 percent increase in volume is reported in the annual report. Mainly the large growth is a result of full consolidation of the Groups manufacturing Operations. Moreover, the acquisition of â€Å"Drivetrain Systems† at June 30th 2009 generated extra revenue the last half year of 2009. Further the notes reveal that 95 percent of sales are within China in 2010, in 2009 it was only 81 percent. A decline in export can in a future growth perspective be a concern.Geely have improved profit margin over the last three years (18 percent In 2009), while the operating margin have been rather volatile (Appendix 1). This is caused by large income/expences from â€Å"share of results of associated companies†. It is expected that this account will be less important in the future as some associates now are fully consolidated. A large increase in distribution and selling expenses in 2009 (increase more than 200 percent) is worth to note. It raises questions as can Geely manage all the new acquisitions without getting less effective and the level of earnings quality.No extraordinary or unusual are identified in the fi nancial statement. It is a good sign since these accounts often are subject to earnings management. Comprehensive income is nicely increasing and no unusual increase in unrealized gains/losses of currency is identified. 3. 4 Analysis of Return on Common Equity This analysis show that the drivers behind the increasing return to common equity is mainly due to heavy increase in asset turnover and an equal percentage increase in leverage. The adjusted profit margin has unfortunately been declining heavily over the period.Geely is therefore relying on Non-operating activities to reach the growth in ROCE. From a shareholder perspective is an increase in ROCE due to leverage not sustainable. However it must be noticed that it was only last year the increase in leverage was heavy, while the increase in asset turnover has been for longer. From a financial point of view it can be argued that taking up debt while it is cheap, since the interest rate is currently low, is in the long run better for the shareholders, if the alternative was to finance expansion with more expensive equity.What is critical is if Geely is strong enough to turnaround their adjusted profit margin to keep growing healthy. 3. 5 Cash Flow Analysis It is useful to construct a summary of cash inflows and outflows by major categories because we can evaluate a firm's sources and uses of cash from operating, investing and financing activities directly. Geely Automobile Holdings LimitedSummary of cash inflows and outflowsYear ended 31 Dec 200X| HK$'000| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| Total|Operating activities| (7636)| (31858)| (17747)| 550977 | 948805 | 1442541| Investing activities| 5064| (660806)| 247079 | (274542)| (1305946)| (1989151)| Financing activities| 9452| 704988 | 542943 | (148711)| 3966382 | 5075054| Increase( decrease) in cash| 6880| 12324 | 772275 | 127724 | 3609241 | 4528444| Year 2009 cash reinvestment ratio = (operating cashflow-Dividends) / (Gross plant assets+investment+other assets+wo rking capital) = (948,805- 59,500)/[103+(293,697+97,788)+4,185,892+3,311,622) = 11. 27%|The summary of cash flow chart shows that during fiscal year 2005~2007 Geely experienced negative operating cash flow. Besides that it has used cash to finance increase in inventory and receivables, the ‘Share of results of associates' turnaround profits before tax from a positive position to a reverse one as it contributes more than 100% negatively before 2008 to Geely's profit after tax. This may be due to its stage of growth since total capital expenditures by its operating associates amounts to approximately RMB1 billion, which are mainly funded by the operational cash flow generated by associates.The insufficient operating cashflow part is made up by financing activities through issuing debt and securities and borrowing from banks. From fiscal year 2008 Geely was able to begin generate positive operating cashflow . However, positive operating cashflow may due to the decrease in its wor king capital. The cash flow statement shows that payables decreased significantly after 2008, which raises doubt on a possibility that Geely delayed payments to suppliers until its operating cash flow before adjustment of working capital become healthier.The major cash outlay is investing activities, corresponding to its funding for the research and development of new vehicle models, new engines and gearboxes, the construction and expansion of plants. Concerning financing activities, one point should be mentioned here is that Geely borrows with its receivables as collateral, the inflow of cash is reported as a financing activity in the cash flow statement. The second doubt come up when comparing with income statement.Earnings are significantly exceeding operating cashflow, this may be an indication of aggressive accounting choices, such as recognizing revenues too soon or delaying the recognition of expenses. Take a look at the free cash flow statement. From free cash flow to equity (FCFE) we know the cash flow availabel for distribution to common shareholders is sufficient. Along with its satisfactory reinvestment ratio, Geely proves that it is taking care of investors. Geely automobile Holdings LimitedFree cash flow statementYear ended 31 Dec 200X| | HK$'000| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009|Net income| 214149| 305767| 866053| 1319028| Depreciation| 1403| 2282| 141053| 364598| intereset expense| 32390| 35103| 60952| 107226| net capital expenditure| 99304. 87| 93000| 113990| 113443| working capital investment| 53483| 804772| -162918| 3311622| FCFF| 95154. 13| -554620| 1116986| -1634213| Net borrowing| 716000| 330000| 1061000| 4300000| FCFE| 584837 | 219253 | 1497987 | 5135362 | net capital expenditure = approximate expenditure in RMB* rate of exchange prevailing at the balance sheet date| 4. 0 SWOT analysis of Geely Automobile Strengths 1.Continuously Increasing Revenue Geely’s gross profit margin has continued to grow over the past few years due to successful c ompany expansion and increasing market shares. The total sales for various kinds of Geely vehicles has accumulated to over 800,000 since 2001, and the Geely trademark has been recognized as a well-known mark in China. It has established over 200 sales service bases overseas, and performed SKD/CKD assembly production and sales in Ukraine, Russia and Indonesia and other countries. 2. Emphasis on Research ; Development CapabilitiesBy the end of 2009, Geely owns a total of 1,600 technology patents. Geely has a professional research and development team, the staff number of which exceeds 1,400, representing 12% of the total staff of the Group With its extensive investment in research and development, the group’s R;D team is capable of launching four to five new models every year, reflecting its leading position in R;D and technology innovation capabilities in China’s automobile sector. 3. Acquisition of Volvo and Enhanced Green TechnologyNew energy-powered vehicle is the la test trend and it will be the future of the world’s auto industry. Ford and Volvo have already invested millions of dollars over the past decade in terms of new energy technology. Acquiring Volvo may enhance Geely’s technology in new energy-powered vehicle area, help Geely take a step forward in competing with other homegrown brands, and pave the way for Geely to enter the global auto market. Weaknesses 1. Accounts Receivables Worse than Industry average Geely’s average turnover ratio of accounts receivables from 2005 to 2009 is 1. 3, which is substantially lower than the industry average, 19. 47. Although the previous analysis has shown less possibilities of payment collection problem, a low accounts receivable turnover ratio still indicates that there is an opportunity cost of holding receivables for a longer period of time. 2. Image of Lower-end Brand Although Geely has a well-established sales network and growing competence in core technology, it is hard for Geely to alter its lower-end brand image, since its original target market is low cost vehicle.But branding is about value and perceived quality, so price alone can never facilitate a victory. Enhancing quality and ensuring that its cars are on par with the global leading brands are still a major challenge for Geely. 3. Less Advanced Technology Despite the vast amount of investment in research and development, capital and talents for automobile core technology are limited, and it is hard for Geely to compete with the advanced technology of foreign automobile manufacturers. 4. Unsatisfactory Sales in Export Markets Motor vehicles sales in most parts of the world market remains fragile.As a result, Geely exports business could continue to face major challenges given the fierce competition and the short history of operation in its major export markets. Opportunities 1. Continuous Growth of China Sedan Market China's passenger vehicle market ended last year with a 59 percent year-on-ye ar sales increase to surpass the United States as the world's largest auto market for the first year. According to estimate of Goldman Sachs Global ECS research report, growth in China car market will be remained for the next 10 years and the industry GDP growth will be 11. % in 2010 and 10% in 2011. Goldman Sachs Global ECS research teams forecasts that China will further boost its No. 1 position in the car market with sales reaching 30 million units per year by 2020. 2. Government Policy Support In the past few years, the focus of Chinese government policies for automobile industry is to boost sustainable growth in the economy with auto industry as one of its pillars and to support domestic participants and industry consolidation. Threats 1.Fierce Competition from both Domestic and Foreign Brand The huge profit potential of China car market brings about fierce competition among both local and foreign automobile manufacturers. In the luxury automobile market, foreign manufacturers are in leader position due to their sophisticated technology and high brand recognition. While in lower end automobile market, local brands are strong competitors. 2. Possibility of Overcapacity in China Auto Market Some industrial experts concern that China's market may one day face vercapacity problems. A report from the official news portal of China's eastern Zhejiang province showed that, based on the production plan of China's 12 major auto manufacturers for the next five years, China's auto production would reach 32. 5 million units in 2015, far exceeding the forecast of 22 million units in the blue book of China's automobile industry. If Overcapacity problems occur, serious overproduction capacity will lead to negative market competitiveness a loss in enterprise efficiency, factory stoppages and other problems. . 0 Analyses of management discussion and analyst’s opinion Appendix C summarizes some Analysts view of Geely. However, not all Analysts agree upon whether you should sell, hold or buy the stock. Several reasons are discussed in the respective reports; though all analysts agree that Geely is a healthy company with a stable revenue base, increasing volume and satisfactory margins. What analysts do not agree upon is whether Geely can maintain their growth potential and gain market share in both the domestic and export market.The penetration in the Chinese passenger car market is extremely low compared to USA and Europe (JP Morgan, 2010) and as the Chinese people are getting wealthier the market potential will increase the upcoming years. Loads of Automobile manufacturer will compete to gain market share and earn extraordinary profit. Credit Suisse and CIMB are representing the negative analysts who believe that domestic market competition will increase as the nearest competitors have invested heavily in the industry and developing of new brands (CIMB, 2010).Geely Management has not commented upon this in their report, but instead they emphas ize they have sufficient funds to cover investments and R&D expenses to facilitate their own growth. Additionally, Credit Suisse (2010) emphasize that every auto manufacturer in the Chinese market are currently investing in production facilities. Credit Suisse is therefore worried it will result in an oversupply and consequently make inventories to rice. To bring inventories down a price war on vehicles can arise. This will affect margins negatively.JP Morgan represents a positive analyst that strongly believe that the current acquisition of Volvo will result in synergy effects and a technology platform that no one else can imitate in the near future. Further JP Morgan is confident that the low penetration of vehicles in the domestic market will ensure future growth, and therefore recommends buying the stock. DBS, Deutche Bank and Yuanta are recommending holding the stock, since they believe there are too many uncertainties connected to Geely and the future. Especially they all emph asize the lack of a clear growth catalyst to outperform the market.Further, the acquisition of Volvo seems to have longer prospects before profiting than expected at first hand (CIMP, 2010). As expected Geely’s management discussion is very positive towards the future and leaves the shareholders with the impression of a highly growing company with a healthy economy and a clear defined strategy, although it is noticed that very little space is used to comment upon the current competition in the market. Instead Geely Management has chosen to focus at their new strategic platform and how they can develop brands and product lines into a competitive advantage (Geely, 2010).It can be interpreted as an indirectly method to cope with the market competition without discussing the situation in detail. Shareholders, however, must be aware of this matter when evaluating the business. Even though current revenue is increasing heavily one must consider how sustainable this growth rate is i n the future. It can be concluded that Geely Management are slightly taking a too positive approach towards the current market conditions, since these are not discussed in depth and analysts report emphasize different issues than Geely.This analysis facilitate that there are no universal answer to trading with stocks. We all wants to buy the stocks that are undervalued and sell the ones that are overvalued, and the answer you get depends on the method, forecast and strategic mindset of the analyst. Geely is without doubt a healthy company so the buy, held, sell decision lies within how you value the growth opportunities, how Geely can facilitate R&D and implement acquisitions and thereby benefit from synergies. 6. 0 RecommendationGeely have the recent years had an expansion strategy, and as a consequence a high level of investment. This has resulted in a higher leverage and that earnings significantly are exceeding cash flows. However this is also a natural picture of a company in a n expansion phase. It is found that Geely has satisfactory interest rate coverage even though leverage is increasing. Furthermore, accounts receivables is found worse than industry average, but good bank agreements make it easy for Geely to meet liquidity issues. Inventory turnover is also good, as the focus on SCM systems have proven its worth.This is moreover expressed in the increased asset turnover which partly is the driver behind the increasing ROCE. However it is important to note that the adjusted profit margin is declining. The overall performance shows increased revenue/earnings, but it is very difficult to determine the earnings quality since most of the rise is due to consolidation and acquisitions. The positive free cash flow and satisfactory reinvestment ratio shows that Geely are taking care of investors. SWOT analysis identifies possible business catalyst as R&D and the new acquisition of Volvo that could create synergy effect.It is our opinion that these business dr ivers are rather uncertain but is very likely to succeed and combined with Geelys current healthy financial situation; we are taking a positive approach towards Geely and recommends to buy the stock. 7. 0 Bibliography Geely Automile Holdings Annual report 2005-2009 Investment Reports: DBS (8. June2010) Hong Kong/ China Company Focus; Geely Automobiles Holding; DBS Vickers Securities; Analyst: Miu, Rachel Credit Suisse (12. July 2010) Asian Daily – Geely Auto; Credit Suisse Analysis; Analyst: HungBin Toh CIMB (28. Sep. 010) Geely Automiles Holding LTD; CIMB Reasearch; Analyst: Cheam, The Shen JP Morgan (26. Sep. 2010 ) Geely Automiles Holding LTD – Initiating Coverage, JP Morgan Asia Pacific Equity Research; Analyst: by Li, Frank Deutche Bank (26. Aug. 2010) Geely Automiles Holding LTD; Deutche Securities Asia LTD; Analyst: Ha, Vincent Yuanta (26. Aug. 2010) Geely Automiles Holding LTD; Yuata Research; Analyst: Wong, Johnny Websites: Reuters (http://www. reuters. com/fi nance/stocks/analyst? symbol=0175. HK) Appendix A: Restated income statement Appendix B: Restated Balance SheetAppendix C: Overview of Analysts opinion Source: Reuters (http://www. reuters. com/finance/stocks/analyst? symbol=0175. HK) ——————————————– [ 2 ]. Industry average figure reference: http:// www. stats. gov. cn [ 3 ]. Property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis at the following rates per [ 4 ]. Goldman Sachs, China: Automobiles, May 19, 2010 [ 5 ]. Business Monitor International, BMI China Auto’s Report 2010, November 2009 [ 6 ]. Global Times, China's Expanding Auto Production Triggers Overcapacity Concerns, July 19 2010

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Anthro fieldnotes

Define and give a bit of its significance, such what these people/things/practices/ rules are and do in the book (go to other side of page or a new one if necessary): Text never A shaman who was believed to have the ability to enter a trance and negotiate for his patient's health. Was mainly used by Hong people who couldn't conceive children. Dab a malevolent spirit that was detaining a child birth. Huh plug soul calling, which In Laos was always the third day after child birth.Are aqua dab peg and epilepsy the same thing? Write how you think each one Is the same or different. They are basically the same thing because they both refer to an illness. Quad dab peg means the spirit catches you and you fall down. (Chapter 4) What were some of the refugees' conceptions of Western doctors and the health care system? Why were taxi enables better than doctors? They thought the Western doctors would chop them up and eat them or sell them as food.Taxi enables ere better than doctors because the y would go to the patient's homes instead of making them go to the hospital. They also came up with diagnostics rather quickly. Fading finds it significant? Why use it to talk about Hong history? What histories do we learn about in this brief chapter? Fading finds it interesting because you can't catch a fish without a pole, and for a pole you need a hook, and for the hook you need to know what kind of fish you are catching and so on.In the short histories you learn about the violent past of the Hong people and what happened in China. How did you feel when the court ordered Lila Lee to be taken away from her parents (p. 59)? Do you believe it was the right decision? Was any other solution possible in the situation? I believe it was unfair because they were only doing in what they believed in. They believed in their traditional ways and not our traditional ways. I don't blame them for not trusting the Western Ways.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Japanese Samurai Film Genre Essay example - 600 Words

The feature film seven samurai uses aspects of Japanese samurai film genre to influence the viewing audience. The film directed by Akira Kurosawa, has a storyline of a lost samurai, responding to a villages appeal for defence against vicious bandits. The main character Kambei gathers another six samurai to help. They teach the peasants of the village to defend themselves, as the film climaxes into an epic fight of samurai, peasants and 40 bandits. The movie uses features of Japanese samurai films such as the focus on the katana sword, Helpless peasants looking for samurai to assist them and the setting of the film around the tokugawa era. The katana sword is focused on in the feature film. The katana is one of the most traditional†¦show more content†¦The peasant’s persued for help and the samurai Kambei killed the kidnapper and showed everyone how wise he was. These are all scenes that can persuade the audience in thinking that the samurai are helpful and powerful. The general appreciation of samurai from the peasants also controls how the film influences the audience. The peasant’s characteristics are generous and appreciative towards the samurais. In scenes you see the peasants give food to the samurai and the conflict between the samurais and peasants is very little. The peasants seek the samurais help, while on the other hand appreciate them but in the end the story takes a turn. The feature film is also focused around the tokugawa era. Also known as the edo era, Japanese society was under the control of the Tokugawa shogunate and the countrys 250 and more regional leaders. The time was recognized by the economic expansion and strict social hierarchy. The setting is based around a village controlled by an old wise man and framers, this really betrays the tokugawa era as the characterisation of the huts and rice fields portray the time around the 1600s to 1800s. 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Friday, January 3, 2020

Why I Am A Motor Skill - 1079 Words

When observing Presley, with her body size you noticed she is larger than the other children around her. I was informed by one of the caregivers she is the oldest out of the children there. Not knowing actual height and weight, comparing her to the other children, she was taller and looked fuller. Presley is two years old and if fully walking. Under the gross motor skill, the third element in the dynamic system; practice- unbalanced, wide-legged, short strides become steady, smooth gait, Presley was surpassed that stage. She walked with her arms down, not out, and legs were close together. The other children around her seemed to be in the practice phase. One fine motor skill I noticed was a mouth skill, pronunciation. Her words were clear, making it easier to understand what she asked for or talking in general. She said â€Å"zapatoes†, which is a spanish word for shoes and was said clearly and understood. Presley grasping was more focused on toys, while I was there she did no t get into any altercations(pulling hair/biting) with the other children. Because Presley is two years old, I noticed more Tertiary Circular Reactions, rather than primary/secondary circular reaction. For an example of stage six, when Presley was trying to put the shorts on the doll, she placed the doll on the on the table and when she tried to put the shorts on the doll would slide forward, making it difficult for her to get the shorts on. She had others around her and did not ask for help, until anotherShow MoreRelatedMy First Year Of An Infant s Gross Motor Skill1095 Words   |  5 Pagesfocuses on 6 different gross motor milestones that generally occur during the first year of an infant’s life. These milestones are head control, segmental rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. 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The company th at I have selected to explore these areas is The FORD Motor Company. I chose Ford primarily based on the current events that have reported that Ford will be opening more plants in the US. Ford Motor Co. announced  it wouldRead MoreThe Flavored Of Music And Exercise1668 Words   |  7 Pagesexercise has been proven to make exercising in any environment more fun, boost one’s mood, increasing motivation, and varying heart rate depending on the tempo of music. Music and exercise increase the brain activity, along with facilitate in the motor development of a child. In today’s world, music is used to help facilitate one’s gaining knowledge of self, others, and the world. The brain grows into two hemispheres, and music plays a crucial role in the neurological development of a child. FromRead MoreMy Memories Of Childhood Through The Present Day Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesSocial/Emotional: As I child I wasn’t the child that cries a lot or was whining. 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In Rathus’ (2014) text, eight lifespan stages are identified; prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, earlyRead MoreWhy Do People Listen With Music Before Exercise Or Participating? Essay1677 Words   |  7 PagesIf you were to ask 100 athletes if they listen to music before competing, almost every one of them will reply with a definite yes. Music has its place in sports and brings a certain culture to sports that seems to grow every year. Why do people listen to music before exercise or participating in competition? Does it give athletes an edge? Does it help athletes to focus, or perform better? This is a question that has brought countless research. My personal opinion is yes, it does optimize physicalRead MoreWhat Does Spark Physical Education?997 Words   |  4 Pagesfor Kids, was a program originally designed to focus on the fundamental motor skills for children ages 4-6 and has grown into stretching up all the way through high school studen ts. Since 1989, they have focused on how the environments and behavioral changes in their students can build to create a healthy, and highly active physical education curriculum for all levels. Not only does it help students develop these motor skills, but does it in a way to promote lifelong wellbeing. This program has beenRead MoreHow Sex Differences Affect My Middle School Teaching1389 Words   |  6 PagesMy Middle School Teaching As a middle school English and history teacher, I am always looking for ways to better teach my students. I always look at ways to tap into their potential and try to plan my lessons accordingly. No matter how much thought I put into my lessons, there are some students who struggle with the lessons I plan and teach. This has caused me much frustration throughout my many years of teaching, and I am always looking for more ways to help my students. Doing additional research