Thursday, January 23, 2020

Abortion - Bible is Pro-Choice :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Bible is Pro-Choice Without any question, the Bible is overwhelminly pro-choice. Although the Hebrews were influenced by many of the laws of their Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian neighbors, all of which forbade abortion, the Hebrew scriptures had no laws forbidding abortion, not a single one. This was chiefly because the Hebrews placed a higher value on women than did their neighbors. There are, however, some references to the termination of pregnancy. Exod. 21:22-25 says that if a pregnant woman has a miscarriage as a result of injuries she receives during a fight between two men, the penalty for the loss of the fetus is a fine; if the woman is killed, the penalty is "life for life." It is obvious from this passage that men whose fighting had caused a woman to miscarry were not regarded as murderers because they had not killed the woman. The woman, undeniably, had greater moral and religious worth than did the fetus, which was nothing more than a worthless glob of tissue, a meaningless, lifeless conglomeration of cells - contrary to antichoice people who cons ider it "human life." There is also reference in the Mosaic law to what is now called "abortion on request" Num. 5:11-31 indicates that if a husband suspects his wife is pregnant by another man, the "husband shall bring his wife to the priest," who shall mix a drink intended to make her confess or be threatened with termination of her pregnancy if she has been unfaithful to her husband. In other words, the Jewish Church was directly involved in bringing about abortions for those countless Hebrew women who fell into this category referred to above. Yes, the Jewish priests actually performed the abortion on the women. The Bible is undeniably specific on this point. Of course, there are less intelligent biblical exegetes who interpret this in various other obviously erroneous ways. It is best not to consider their ignorant opinions in this matter.

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